Photos Photiades Breweries was honored with the prestigious award “Gold Benefactor of the Environment 2023”

Nicosia, Cyprus – Photos Photiades Breweries has been presented with the prestigious Medal, Gold Benefactor of the Environment at an important ceremony held at the Presidential Palace on April 26th in the presence of the President of Cyprus Republic, Mr Nicos Christodoulides.

The Award of “Gold Benefactor of the Environment” represents an important recognition for organizations and businesses in Cyprus that demonstrate an exceptional commitment to reducing their environmental footprint. Photos Photiades Breweries’ acknowledgement is a result of its innovative strategy “Epilogi” unveiled in 2023, highlighting significant specific achievements in the advancement in sustainable business practices and bold commitments for reducing its environmental footprint by 2025.

Speaking about the award, Photos Photiades Breweries’ General Manager, Mr. George Ierodiaconou, expressed his gratitude towards the organizers and emphasized the award’s significance: “We are enormously honored to receive this award, which acknowledges our dedication and strong commitment to green practices and our long-standing strategy of environmental responsibility.” He further highlighted the Photos Photiades Group values - reliability, responsibility, and a relentless pursuit of growth and excellence.

Mr. Ierodiaconou also elaborate on the company’s environmental philosophy, stating, “Our responsibility towards society and the environment is rooted in our DNA. As one of Cyprus's leading industries, we recognize the urgent need for action to minimize our carbon footprint and protect our planet. Our ambition is to set a benchmark in the industry by establishing ambitious targets for 2025 through our “Epilogi” initiative, which includes a comprehensive investment in projects aimed at significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

Among the creditable commitments outlined by Photos Photiades Breweries are:

  • 100% of the total electrical energy used in our brewery will be exclusively derived from renewable and clean energy sources by 2025.
  • 100% of raw materials from sustainable farming practices.
  • Expanding investment in the reuse and returnable packaging solutions.
  • Reducing plastic usage and fostering sustainable packaging alternatives.
  • Achieving 100% management of liquid and solid waste through innovative practices.

The National Environmental Awards, organized by the Cyprus Center for Environmental Research and Education, aim to honor organizations that have adopted, developed, and implemented eco-friendly policies and practices. The awards enjoy the support of the Office of the Commissioner for the Environment and other notable institutions including the Cyprus University of Technology, the Cyprus  Employers and Industrialists Federation, the Association of Tourism Enterprises of Cyprus, and the Organization of Professional Women Entrepreneurs of Limassol.

For more information about Photos Photiades Breweries and its environmental initiatives Epilogi please visit